Home Weight Loss 9 Unexpected Side Effects Of Figs

9 Unexpected Side Effects Of Figs

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Dry fruits and nuts have always been a healthy snack option! Fig or anjeer is one such fruit that is mostly dried along with other nuts and berries. However, given its many health-benefiting properties, it is easy to go overboard with it! That’s when you may come face to face some of the side effects of figs. Yes, there is an appropriate amount of fig that you should have every day to avoid the possible risks. Read on to know more about these possible side effects of figs to help you get the most out of these nutritious fruits!

In This Article

Side Effects Of Figs

Here are 9 top figs side effects that you should be aware of before you give in to the temptation of emptying the whole jar of anjeer.

1. Heavy On Stomach

Overeating of figs can be heavy on the stomach and can cause stomach ache. While those suffering from constipation can benefit from it, it might end in a bad stomach for others. Drinking cold water after eating figs helps with stomach-related issues.

2. Bloating

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Apart from stomach ache, figs cause bloating. Figs are rich sources of fiber, and eating too many of them in a short period may lead to bloating (1). Drinking aniseed water helps to cure the problem.

3. Sun Sensitivity

While figs are useful in treating chronic skin diseases and also beneficial in the treatment of skin tumors, they may also harm the skin by increasing its sensitivity to sun rays (2). UV rays are harmful for the skin and can result in conditions like premature aging, melanomaXThe most dangerous type of skin cancer that develops in melanin-producing cells, called melanocytes, and has the tendency to grow quickly. and skin cancer (3). It can also result in skin rashes. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun if you consume figs regularly to avoid skin related problems.

4. Harms Liver And Intestines

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Figs can be harmful for the liver. They can also cause obstruction in the intestines because of their seeds. While it may not seem so while eating, the seeds present in figs are hard enough to get digested easily. This is one of the most dangerous figs side effects that one should be aware of.

Related: 21 Best Foods For A Healthy Liver & Signs Of An Unhealthy Liver

5. Calcium Absorption

Avoid taking figs with high oxalic or phytic acid containing foods like beans, seeds, nuts, and dark leafy vegetables like spinach and collard greens. Figs are a rich source of calcium. However, oxalic or phytic acids may interfere with the absorption of calcium in the body. Calcium deficiency may lead to weak bones and other diseases. However, research in this regard is limited. More information is warranted.

Stylecraze Says Consume foods high in vitamin D, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mushrooms, and vitamin D-fortified foods with figs to improve calcium absorption.

6. Bleeding

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Figs are warm in nature, and anecdotal evidence suggests that it may cause bleeding. Overeating figs can result in retinal bleeding, rectal bleeding, and slight vaginal bleeding. It can also result in hemolytic anemiaXA blood disorder that involves hemolysis – when red blood cells are destroyed faster than they can be made. . In case of rectal and vaginal bleeding, stop eating figs and see if the bleeding stops. If not, then check with your doctor.

7. Lowers Blood Sugar Level

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Figs help control the blood sugar level in the body (4). This helps those with diabetes but can be harmful for those with low blood sugar levels. If you are suffering from low blood sugar level, avoid eating figs.

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8. Allergy

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If you are allergic to figs, it can cause conjunctivitis, rhinitisXA reaction that involves a congested, drippy nose or chronic sneezing due to air allergens that trigger the release of histamine. and anaphylactic shockXA rare and serious allergic reaction that may lead to a sudden blood pressure drop and narrowed airways that obstruct breathing. . It can also cause asthma. Check if you have any allergic problem to figs before consuming them (5).

Related: 14 Best Home Remedies For Skin Allergies | Causes And Symptoms

9. Harmful Oxalates

Oxalates present in figs are harmful to those who are already suffering from kidney or gallbladder problems and diseases. In this case, the consumption of figs can worsen the condition. Figs also harm the spleen, which is responsible for producing white blood cells. However, research in this regard is very limited. Consult your doctor for more information.

Trivia Spinach, beets, almonds, and soy products are also high in oxalates and are not recommended to be taken along with figs.

Figs contain a high level of vitamin K, which might interfere with blood thinners. Hence caution is advised with the consumption of figs if you are on any blood-thinning medications.

So, these are the side-effects that can result from overeating of figs. You can avoid most of them if you eat only the required amount without heeding to the demands of your tongue. But if you are suffering from any allergic reaction and low blood sugar level, then you should avoid figs and consult your doctor to know more about figs benefits and side effects.

Infographic: Common Side Effects Of Figs

Figs are healthy snacks options that one can look for. But one should reconsider eating too many figs because of their adverse effects. While we have listed all adverse effects in the article, there are a few very important negative reactions of figs you must know before eating extra ones. Check out the infographic below to learn about common side effects of figs.

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The side effects of figs are mostly associated with their overconsumption. Figs can trigger stomach aches and bloating as they are high in fiber. Figs can also increase sun sensitivity. They also increase the risk of bleeding, lower blood sugar levels way too much, and may negatively affect the liver and intestine. Figs interfere with calcium absorption, too, as they contain oxalates. These oxalates may aggravate kidney and gallbladder problems. Fig allergies may also worsen with their consumption. Hence, caution is advised.

Apart from the side effects, figs are rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, polyphenols, and anthocyanins which help to prevent heart disease, and cancer. So, taking 1-2 fresh/dried figs sometimes in between major meals can be beneficial.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should not eat figs?

Pallini Winnifred, RDN, says, “Individuals who are allergic to figs should avoid eating them. Symptoms of a fig allergy can include itching, hives, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat, and difficulty breathing. If you experience any of these symptoms after eating figs, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.”

Why do vegans avoid figs?

Winnifred adds, “Vegans may avoid figs because they are sometimes pollinated by wasps, which can be considered an animal product. However, this is not a general case, as the majority of figs that are commercially available are self-pollinating, which means that the flowers are pollinated without the help of the wasps, and they are considered vegan.”

What is the best time to eat figs?

Jesse Feder, Clinical Dietitian at the Memorial Regional Hospital opines that mornings are the best time to eat figs. He adds, “This is because they are packed with fiber and healthy nutrients to get your day started. The fiber can help fill you up quicker and keep you full for longer periods of time. This can help control your appetite throughout the day. This is especially useful for those looking to lose weight.”

Can we drink water after eating figs?

According to Winnifred, “It is generally fine to drink water after eating figs. Drinking water can help wash down any bits of food left in the mouth and also help to keep the body hydrated. However, it is always good to consult with a physician or a dietitian to know about the best practices that apply to your specific case.”

Do figs cause diarrhea?

Due to their high fiber content, overconsumption of figs may cause diarrhea and abdominal discomfort.

Can figs cause diverticulitis?

No, figs don’t cause diverticulitisXThe development of small, bulging, inflamed pouches in the digestive tract that lead to pain, nausea, fever, and constipation. . The high fiber content may actually prove beneficial for gut health. However, some people prefer to stay away from nuts and fruits containing seeds including figs, apprehending a trigger attack.


Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.

  1. High-fiber foods
  2. [Phototoxic reaction to figs]
  3. Ultraviolet Radiation
    Aging and the Skin: Prevention of Damage by Topical cAMP Manipulation
  4. Abscisic Acid Standardized Fig ( Ficus carica) Extracts Ameliorate Postprandial Glycemic and Insulinemic Responses in Healthy Adults
  5. Identification of Bet v 1-related allergens in fig and other Moraceae fruits

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Jesse Feder, RDN, CPT


Jesse is a registered dietitian, personal trainer, and a certified strength and conditioning specialist with 6 years of experience in training people from all ages, backgrounds, and fitness levels. From athletes, crossfitters, powerlifters, Olympic lifters, and bodybuilders to the average person looking to get into shape, Jesse provides nutritional counseling for various needs and health conditions. He has experience working…View Profile ›

Tanya Choudhary, Health & Wellness Writer


Tanya is an ISSA certified Specialist in Fitness & Nutrition. She specializes in writing articles on ingredients that benefit skin, hair, and health. She believes in the right health and lifestyle practices and strives to promote the same to everyone around her. She finds purpose in creating authentic and useful content that can impact people’s health in better ways. In…View Profile ›

  • Pallini Winnifred, RDN

    Pallini Winnifred, RDN, serves over 200 clients in the NYC area. She has a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition Science from Stony Brook University and two years of experience in nutrition counseling.
    Pallini Winnifred, RDN, serves over 200 clients in the NYC area. She has a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition Science from Stony Brook University and two years of experience in nutrition counseling.

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